Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join the Alumni Association?
Membership enrollment will be held during a specific time each year for new members to join. Membership can be purchased via this website.
What is the cost to be a member?
The cost of a membership is $100.00 per year or a one-time fee of $1000.00 for a lifetime membership.
When do I complete my membership profile?
After your payment is accepted, you will be provided the opportunity to create a profile and be added to the alumni association.
Do I have to be an alumnus of Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School?
No! Our membership plans and benefits are geared towards SRMHS grads, but membership is not only limited to graduates of the high school. If you attended SRMHS school for at least 1 year, you could become a member. If you currently work at SRMHS as faculty or staff, and If you are a member of the community that holds the same values and purpose of the association; you can also become a member.
What comes with the membership?
As a member of the SRMHS Alumni Association there are many perks and benefits. As a member you receive:
(1) Select promotional items provided by the association,
(2) Opportunities to apply for special scholarships for students/children of alumni who attend SRMHS,
(3) Invitations to special events held by the association at a discounted price, and other benefits.
As a lifetime member, you will receive all the afore mentioned benefits as well as free admission to one Alumni event during your first year of membership and then a 50% off the cost of future events.
As an active member you will also have the right to vote at all meetings and shall be eligible for appointment to committees and to hold office in accordance with the by-laws of the association.
Is there an annual fee for membership?
Yes, the annual fee is $100. It will be drafted automatically each year. If you would like to change your payment information, please email The Lifetime membership does not have an annual fee.
Is there a married couple discount?
No, we do not have a discount for married couples
What is the different between a lifetime member vs. annual membership?
An annual membership has an annual cost of $100. The lifetime membership has a one-time fee of $1000. A lifetime membership also provides a discounted cost to Alumni events.
Where does the money I pay for membership go to?
The Alumni Association will allocate the resources provided by members via membership costs and donations to pay for events held by the association, scholarships provided to students, as well as to the school itself. As a member, you will have the opportunity to view and vote on budgets provided by the financial committee.
How can I cancel my membership?
If you ever want to cancel your membership for any reason, please email for assistance. Please note there will NOT be any refunds provided for cancelled memberships.
Why do you need my t-shirt size?
The association is requesting t-shirt sizes for any alumni swag we would like to provide to our members in the future.
As a lifetime member, will I still be able to attend the free signature event included in my lifetime membership package, if there are no in-person events for the 2021 membership year?
Yes, as soon as we can have in person events, members who have signed up for the lifetime membership will still receive their one free event. We will notify Lifetime members when this is available.
I signed up to be an annual member this year, can I change to be a lifetime member next year?
Current members will have the opportunity to change their membership type prior to the next year’s automatic re-enrollment. Communication will be sent when this opportunity arises.